Closed systems dosystems do notwith the environmentboundariesenthalpy hinternal energy uan open systemby fluids exchange matter internal energy uboundarieswith the environmentsystems doan open systementhalpy hby fluidssystems do not, while open internal energy uan open systemby fluidswith the environmententhalpy hsystems do notboundariessystems do.
Please note: the open or closed nature of a system depends on the internal energy uboundariessystems do notsystems dowith the environmententhalpy hby fluidsan open system you choose to define it, which can lead to small difficulties.
Most of the components involved in thermal machines operate in by fluidsan open systemsystems do notsystems dointernal energy uenthalpy hwith the environmentboundaries, all being crossed enthalpy han open systeminternal energy uwith the environmentsystems do notboundariesby fluidssystems do.
A closed system exchanges with the exterior work, denoted W, and heat, denoted Q. The state function representing its own energy is the enthalpy hboundariessystems do notinternal energy usystems dowith the environmentan open systemby fluids.
An open system exchanges useful work with the exterior, denoted τ, and heat, denoted Q. The state function representing its own energy is the enthalpy hby fluidssystems dointernal energy uboundariessystems do notan open systemwith the environment
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